Our Program Focus…
Viveca Wilson
NTBPWL’s First Vice-President is responsible for creating local programs to carry out the purposes and objectives of the NTBPWL for adults and young adult clubs.
The National program focus is (LETS) Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Service- (which includes Health, Education, Employment, and Economic Development- H.E.E.D.). We identify local needs and implement projects to address the issues in our community.
Founders’ Day
Founders’ Day is an observance that provides the opportunity to present the Sojourner Truth Award to an outstanding African American woman. This award, established in 1948, is the highest award given by the Association.
Historical Celebration of our Leadership – Past, and Present.
The Sojourner Truth Award (given to a woman of African-American descent). The Sojourner Truth Award for Meritorious Service is the highest award given by National and is presented by a local club to a woman who has given outstanding community service beyond the call of duty. The life of the nominee should parallel the life of Sojourner Truth.
Women’s History
The first Saturday in March is designated as NANBPWC, Inc. Women’s History Day. The purpose is to focus on the many contributions made by African American women who have been and are instrumental in advancing education, business, professions, technology, family, and community.
Vocal Arts
The NANBPWC, Inc. Vocal Arts Competition is a signature program first introduced in 1983 as the Leontyne Price Vocal Arts Competition. The 2001 Convention changed the name to the Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists upon joining the National Opera Association to offer additional benefits to the contestants. During the 2017 Convention, the name was changed to The Mary E. Singletary Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists in honor of our Past National President.
The competition is designed to recognize promising young African American classical vocalists by providing a performance venue and scholarships.
For more information on our Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists, please email us.
Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. One in four women dies of heart disease. For African American women, the risk of heart disease is especially great. Heart disease is more prevalent among black women than white women—as are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing it, including high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, and diabetes. The focus remains on the heart (cardiovascular) and stroke disease awareness and prevention along with overall health and well-being. Health programs have always been at the center of our local club service programs.
This initiative can help spread the message about the need to prepare for and respond to potential emergencies, including natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Individuals are encouraged to do three key things: get an emergency supply kit (“To Go Bag); make a family emergency plan, and be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses.
This is a health awareness program designed to prevent and/or improve health outcomes related to Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) through education. The “Triple The Pink” initiative focuses on P.I.N.K. (Preventing and Improving through Necessary Knowledge).
Women are much more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence with 85 percent of domestic abuse victims being women and 15 percent men. Too often women hide the fact that they are subjected to violent conditions. Many are hopeless and have no knowledge of where to go for help. NANBPWC will provide education and information about available resources for individuals who are confronted with similar situations either directly or indirectly.
In view of the rise in police shootings, it is essential that we help our young people learn how to respond when interacting with law enforcement officials. Clubs’ programs and activities should be initiated toward this end. The ultimate, anticipated outcome is building or re-establishing good relationships between young minorities and law enforcement personnel and saving the lives of our youth and young adults.
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including here in the United States. Sex trafficking is one of the world’s fastest-growing criminal industries.